Objective: Determine Lincoln’s purpose in The Gettysburg Address and how he uses rhetoric to advance his claim. 5. Now, place the bold “What it does” strip next to the other bold strips. 6. Count off in your team 1-5 & see the part you’re responsible for 7. Each person in your team gets a sticky note. 8. Check out the verb list below. 9. To explain “What it does,” choose a verb from the list that accurately reflects how Gonzalez uses rhetoric to advance her claim, and write your explanation on it. 1 Pathos 2 Logos 3 Ethos 4 Parellelism 5 repetition What it says… Rhetorical Device/Appeal What it does… “Rick Scott cut education funding by $1.3 billion during his first year in office to pay for tax breaks for big corporations…” Logos By proving with facts how Scott puts money toward companies instead of kids, it shows why he’s not a good governor.
Objective: Determine Lincoln’s purpose in The Gettysburg Address and how he uses rhetoric to advance his claim. Directions: Open your book to p. 27. Get your work from last class. On the right side of the vertical line at the top, write, “What it does”. 4. Do step 3 on the back of your sheet, too. 5. Use the verb list to explain how Lincoln uses rhetoric to advance his claim.