9-12 Professional Development PM Session: CCSS and literacy January 21, 2013 12:15-3
As you come in from lunch… Please read the article provided at your tables
The Common Core State Standards At your tables: Share a key claim from the article, as well as your initial reaction to it. What are the implications of that claim for teachers?
A little context How the standards are being assessed: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Era of accountability Full implementation: 2015 (this year’s freshmen) SBA Students take test, their names attached to every teacher they have State use of data State uses test data to measure “teacher and district performance” (all teachers based on math and literacy) District use of data Test data must be a part of district teacher evaluations Public use of data Test data will be used to determine district funding and will be on a public website
Transition to small groups Please find a sheet on your table with your group, location, facilitator and agenda for the afternoon You will be with this group the rest of the afternoon