BACKGROUND The ETDPSETA SSP (2013) shows a mismatch between skills demand and skills supply in some of the sector’s 12 constituencies. This mismatch is more pronounced for the Schooling and FET Sector For the Schooling Sub-sector the SSP shows demand for teachers who are qualified and competent to teach Mathematics, Science and Technology This demand is more pronounced in the Rural, Foundation Phase and Special Needs Schools. On the Supply side the HEI’s (the recognised suppliers of programmes and qualifications to meet the demand) are not producing enough of these teachers and learners in Schools with good Mathematics and Science grades are very few and are not guided to choose teaching as a Career choice and are not channelled to the appropriate schools and phases where there is a need.
BACKGROUND The same mismatch exists in the FET Sub-Sector especially in the Public FET Sector While the SSP reflects a very high demand for lectures in the scarce skills areas such as engineering, mathematics, physical science and accounting on the supply side both the Public FETC and HEI’s do not have Career Guidance programmes for students to channel them to this demand. This results to students ending up doing qualifications in other fields that are not scarce which is a strong contributing factor to graduate unemployment
CAREER GUIDANCE PROJECTS The SETA has developed a Career Guidance Strategy to respond to this Sectoral Challenge The Strategy aims at responding to the mismatch through provision of Career Guidance in FET Colleges and Schools as Follows: During the Year 2012/13 the seta employed 200 Career Guidance Interns and placed them in all the 50 FET Colleges with a distribution model of 4 interns per FET College. The seta partnered with the FET Colleges through formal MOU’s where the College has committed provision of Office Space and the Seta committing to the Provision of stipends for the Interns During the Year 2013/14 these interns have been registered with UNISA to undergo formal training as Career Guidance Officers During the 2014/15 , after graduation in the Programme these interns will be elevated to be Career Guidance Practitioners
CAREER GUIDANCE PROJECTS The developmental approach to this projects is illustrated below as follows: Unisa Training and Mentorship Year 2: 2013/14 CG Officers Year 3 : 2014/15 CG Practitioners Year 4: 2015/16 Possible Permanent Absorption in the FETC Student Support Departments Year 1: 2012/13 CG Interns
CAREER GUIDANCE FUTURE PROJECTS The Career Guidance Strategy of the Seta also targeted the training of Life Orientation Teachers in Schools in formal Career Guidance Programmes The target for 2013/14 is a pilot of 40 Life Orientation Teachers The programme will also see distribution of Seta’s Career Guides to all the 25 000 schools
BUDGET ALLOCATIONS For all the projects that are mentioned above the seta has set aside budget for execution of them as follows: R12 000 000 for the stipends of the 200 Career Guidance Officers in the FET Colleges R600 000 for the printing and distribution of Learners Guides to schools R30 051 369 for the placement of the 500 Career Guidance Officers in Schools in 2014/15 R1 000 000 for the rollout of training for LO teachers