ELAB 8C Dr. Lowe 2017-2018 FIND ME HERE: WHAT IS ELAB? ELAB is a course designed to strengthen and hone students’ writing skills. We will focus on the Writing, Speaking, and Listening strands in the English Language Arts standards. To ensure mastery of the standards, as well as to strengthen competency and fluency in writing, ELAB will engage in the following activities: Daily Language – bellwork Text Annotation Pulling Apart Writing Prompts Responding to Writing Prompts The two activities above will be enriched through the POW-TiDE strategy, among others Composing and Analyzing Text-Dependent Questions Planning, drafting, revising, and publishing essays in the narrative, expository, and persuasive modes. Learning targets and objectives will be accomplished through whole class, small group, partner, and individual activities. ASSIGNMENT CATEGORY PERCENTAGE OF GRADE Tests (Essay Final Drafts) 40% Quizzes 25% CFAs 20% Practice (Class work, group work, rough drafts, and at-home practice) 15% FIND ME HERE: Class Website: http://8celab.weebly.com District email: lower@rcschools.net If you require additional assistance, please arrange a time with me before school or after school. Please also let me know if you will not be able to attend a scheduled session.
Class Procedures: When you enter class, read the information on the SmartBoard and immediately begin the bellwork. Arrive on time. You will receive a detention after three tardies. Please go to the bathroom before class. You may have two bathroom passes and one tardy per 9-week period. Complete your agenda, and bring it to me to sign. I will record tardies and bathroom passes in my gradebook. Passes to your locker will be given only under extreme circumstances and at the discretion of the teacher. Do not sharpen your pencil or throw away trash during instruction. If the teacher is speaking, remain in your seat. Do not talk when the teacher is speaking or if another student has permission to speak. Cell phones must be silenced and placed face-down on your desk card. We may use cell phones for instructional purposes. Other purposes are strictly prohibited, and your phone will be confiscated until the end of class if you chose to violate this policy. When class is over, pack up your materials, clean the area around you and put away supplies, put away your class folder, and push in your chair. Homeroom dismissal will stack their chairs on the desks. Do not line up at the door; when you are dismissed, you will leave from your seat. Notebooks: You will need a spiral notebook or composition book for your ELAB Interactive Notebook. You will receive specific instructions for Interactive Notebook assignments, and they will be graded in the category of “Practice.” You will turn in your entire notebook each time an entry is due. Late Work/Makeup Policy: Late work is considered any assignment that is not fully completed by the original due date (including quizzes, tests, and projects). If you do not turn in the assignment, you will receive a zero. You will have until the eighth week of the grading period to submit late work. If your work is not submitted, you will keep the zero. The highest grade you can receive for late work is a 90. Other: No extra credit will be given. Redos are at the teacher’s discretion. Typically, you will only be allowed redos for a test or a CFA with a score of 75 or below. The redo grade will replace the original grade. Plagiarism: You will receive a zero. All students involved in the infraction will receive a zero. Absences: All work assigned to you before you are absent is due on the original due date. If you are absent on the due date, the work is due on the day you return. All work assigned on the day of your absence is due two days from the date of your return back to class. Assignments are on the class calendar. Assignments will also be on the class website. Daily work, handouts, and class notes will be in the green weekly organizer. You are responsible for obtaining your makeup work and for scheduling makeup tests, quizzes, and CFAs with me.
It is my job, as teacher, to maintain an environment in which all students can learn comfortably. Therefore, disruptive, inappropriate, and disrespectful behaviors will not be tolerated. Expected behaviors may need to be reinforced until a solution can be reached, including consequences. I have read through the 8C ELAB syllabus, and I understand my responsibilities for the course. Student Name: Student Signature: Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Signature: