Integration of Simone Capacity Tools and Gas Transport Commercial Management System Zdravko Oklopčić (Končar-KET, Croatia), Martin Stýblo (SIMONE Research Group, Czech Republic) 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
Gas transport system – commercial view 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
GAS TRANSPORT SYSTEM – TECHNOLOGICAL VIEW 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
GAS TRANSPORT SYSTEM COMMERCIAL MODEL Commercial entities: ::: Entry and exit points Market players (shippers, DSOs, SSOs, regulatory agencies, etc.) Structure Physical entities: Off-take and in-take stations Metering lines Physical receiving and delivery points Relations between commercial and physical entities : Physical receiving points by commercial entry points Physical delivery points by commercial exit points Basis for commercial application modules Commercial contracts Nomination Metering Allocation 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
SPECIAL TASKS OF COMMERCIAL GAS MGMT Free capacity calculation: Executed periodicaly (eg. quarterly or monthly) or on demand Starts with current year and goes several years into the future Calculations are performed for several typical yearly load patterns Future gas network expansions have to be taken into account Static or periodic day dynamic simulation Capacity booking request validation: Executed on demand in connection with booking request It is performed for time period of the booking request Nomination / renomination validation: Executed daily for nomination validation or on demand for renomination validation Calculation is performed for next gas day (nomination) or actual gas day (renomination) Nominated and/or typical daily load curves Actual gas network (LIVE), with initial state imported from look-ahead simulation Pure dynamic simulation 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SCENARIO GENERATOR Scenario generator functions: Selection of network model, Creation of basic boundary flow scenario, structured according to physical off-take and in-take nodes using data on capacity booking and nominations, structured according to commercial entry / exit points, Definition of control parameters for prorating algorithm, Selection of control variant, Inserting created scenarion in scenario table in DB Transformation of calculated boundary flow profiles, structured according to physical off-take and in-take nodes, into load profiles, structured according to commercial entry / exit points. 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
CAPACITY CALCULATION - block diagram Commercial entry / exit flow data Scenario generator Initial flows Boundary in / out flow scenario Maximum flows Commercial Gas Transport Management System SIMONE system NO Continue ? Repository of gas network models Selection of gas network model Simone boundary flow scenario Simone execution scenario Simulation execution YES Scenario repository Boundary flow scenario modification Common constraints Common controls Control variant 1 Control variant i Control variant n ... ... 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
Capacity calculation procedure Procedure steps Invoking Scenario Generator Reading input data from commercial DB Scenario batch generation Insertion of generated scenarios in commercial DB Request to SIMONE user to perform simulation Reading generated scenario batch, performing calculation and returning calculation results in commercial DB Scenario Generator transforms calculation results into commercial capacities and updates appropriate tables in commercial DB Data exchange between two systems Access to commercial DB enables appropriate web service provider On Simone side there is web service requestor which enables Simone system to consume services enabled by web service provider Communication between web services is performed by XML documents Using this mechanism Simone user is able to: Navigate through the list of generated scenarios Request transfer of selected scenario batch in Simone program Request transfer of calculation results in commercial DB. 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
Nomination validation procedure SIMONE Nomination workplace Legend: PRSIM - realtime simulation scenario ZYSIM - «Look-Ahead» simulation scenario NOSIM - nomination validation scenario (for the next gas day) RESIM - renomination validation scenario (for the rest of actual gas day) ICU - complete state of gas transport system model 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
System architecture Internal users External users IBM WebSphere (Company portal) SIMONE user SIMONE user AVANTI ABB ERP (Oracle E-Business Suite 11i) TeleReading (GEMA Gas) Commercial Gas Transport Management System SIMONE Capacity Tool SIMONE Online ABB NM SCADA ERP DB ORACLE ABB NM UDW UDW ORACLE Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter IBM WebSphere middleware (ESB, Message brocker, XML) Commercial gas transport mgmt DB ORACLE ORACLE TeleReading DB 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
SIMONE architecture ABB AVANTI ABB NM SCADA SIMONE Capacity Server SIMONE Online Server ABB NM UDW ORACLE UDW SIMONE Capacity Workplace Client SIMONE Nomination Client SIMONE user SIMONE user Simone API Simone API Adapter Adapter Adapter IBM WebSphere middleware (ESB, Message brocker, XML) 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
CAPACITY CALCULATION DATA FLOW Commercial system DB Input data for scenario gen. Generated scenarios Selection parameters Scenario generator Web service provider Commercial user XML documents SIMONE Client Web service requestor (consumer) Simulation execution control SIMONE user 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia Conclusion SIMONE is used to “meter” gas transport system capacity Standard SIMONE application is expanded to enable iterrative calculation of gas transport system capacity and validation of nominations 2 SIMONE applications used: SIMONE Capacity Tool SIMONE online In order be able to execute simulation SIMONE needs large amount of input information : Gas network models (maintained in SIMONE) Scenarios (based on externally generated data) Simulation results have to be returned to external application Requirements for communication between applications: Commercial gas transport system model Data transformation in the form which can be utilized in destination application Data structure stored in the Commercial Gas Transport Management System DB Implementation of application integration infrastructure SOA priciples Web services XML documents Portal IBM WebSphere (ESB, adapters, message brocker) SIMONE expanded with web service requestor (consumer) 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia Thank You for your attention! 9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia