Miniature Train
Create a center point circle at coordinates (1,1.375) and extrude it 3.75”
Draw a rectangle and extrude it to make the back of the train.
Create a midplane between two planes. Select the two sides of the train to make the it directly in the middle.
Use the 3D Mirror tool to create an exact copy of the holes on the other side of the train. Select the Midplane as the mirror plane.
Create points at (.375”, .125”) (1.625”, .125”) (1”, .625”) then finish sketch and use hole tool
Create an offset plane from the top of the base of the train and offset it 1.25”
Be careful coordinates may be different if train wasn’t started on the XY Plane
Back of train
Use the fillet tool to round off the edges Use the fillet tool to round off the edges .1” except for where the holes are drilled.
Use the color tool select the colors you want to change then hold control to select multiple edges or sides.