Properties Density = 1 g/mL Cohesion/Adhesion Universal Solvent Moderating Temperature Expansion upon Freezing
Density How compact the particles are in a substance Cold water is more dense then warm water Salt water is more dense then fresh water
Polarity Oxygen is much more electronegative then Hydrogen The electrons stay toward the oxygen more then they stay toward the hydrogen atoms Oxygen is partially negative Hydrogen is partially positive Makes water a polar molecule
Cohesion Cohesion Water molecules get pulled towards each other because of their polarity This creates a surface tension Allows bugs to run across water without sinking in The paperclip floating in the water
Adhesion Adhesion Water molecules get pulled toward molecules of objects The water moving up the sides of the straw
Capillary Action Cohesion and Adhesion work together to move upwards against gravity How water moves up the roots of plants into the leaves
Universal Solvent Many substances can dissolve very easily in water because of adhesion Solute Substance being dissolved Solvent Substance the solute is dissolved in Forms a solution
Importance This is very important to humans Play a role in digestion Transports materials throughout the body Aids in chemical reactions Many medicines come in the form of a solution
Moderating Temperature Water can absorb large amounts of heat without changing its temperature High Specific Heat Capacity Prevents our bodies from fluctuating in temperature too much Negative Feedback When you get too hot, you sweat The water removes some of the heat from your body
Expansion Upon Freezing Water becomes less dense as it freezes, allowing aquatic life to continue
Water Lab Websites Temperature and Density http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak9CBB1bTcc Salinity and Density http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx3yNjd7jE0