How has a market economy impacted lives in the U.S. throughout history? Division of Labor/ Specialization
Question… Name some of the places of employment that your parents work and what types of products, if any, do they make? What does labor mean?
Interdependence Relying on each other to supply resources
Productive resources Resources that are used to help a country run Becoming skilled at one kind of job Specialization
Division of Labor Work that is divided so that it is possible to produce more goods.
Remember… Divisions of labor occurs when the production of a good is broken down into separate tasks, with different workers performing each task. Specialization and division of labor usually increases the productivity of workers. Greater specialization leads to increasing interdependence among producers and consumers’
Activity… In groups of 4 you will reassemble boxes of crayons. You need to sit at a table with your group and empty the crayons into the middle of the table… make sure and mix them up. Carefully unfold the box and lay it in front of you.
Your task… Each student needs to put there box of crayons back together. When you have made your box and completed your crayon set, raise your hand.
Is there an easier way to complete this task? Question… Is there an easier way to complete this task?
On a sheet of paper… Explain why and assembly line makes the production more efficient and faster than working alone. In three sentences explain what happens when one member either cannot do the job or is not there.