Arguments For and Against Neutrality
Targets 1. Evaluate both sides of the argument concerning American involvement in WWI 2. Generate and justify an opinion regarding American involvement in WWI
Arguments for Neutrality Did not threaten American lives or property Many sympathized with Germany Irish immigrants were anti-English
Pacifism Pacifists saw all war as Evil
Parents Didn’t want their sons going off to war.
Arguments for War Sympathy for England Allies owe he U.S. money
German Atrocities Louvain
German U-Boats Unterseeboot (submarine)
U-Boot Response Sinking of the Lusitania 1,198 killed 128 Americans
Wilson’s Response Wilson remained neutral Protested to Germany They agreed not to sink any more liners Sinking of the Arabic 2 Americans dead Damage of the Sussex Americans killed Again Germany was warned Germany again agreed to stop
Germany’s Response January 31, 1916 Kaiser Wilhelm All ships in British waters would be sunk Unrestricted Submarine warfare War was inevitable Wilson would wait “actual overt acts”
Zimmermann Note
U.S. Enters WWI Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful and innocent people cannot. The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind….we are glad…to fight…for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples...The world must be made safe for democracy…We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no domination….It is a fearful think to lead this great peaceful people into war…But the right is more precious than peace
U.S. Unprepared