2018 Summer Ewha Writing-Intensive School
Many Reasons to Take EWIS: Learn the steps and strategies for Academic Writing Learn practical writing skills such as TOEFL, Resume, and Cover Letters. Prepare for exchange or overseas program studies. Write every day and get daily feedback. Learn to think critically and logically in English. Earn 2 Credits with no pressure of grades. Gain Confidence in English Writing!
Learn Specific Writing Methods from Gleo Professors
Discuss with Peers and Professors Receive One on One Feedback Every Day!
Registration and Program Period Registration Period: 2018.5.1(Tue)- 2018.6.22(Fri) Method: Online: http://gleo.ewha.ac.kr 이화영어글쓰기집중학 교 On Site: Visit GLEO ECC B115/ Ph: 3277-2165 Email: epo@ewha.ac.kr Program Period: 2018.6.26(Tue) ~ 2018.07.19(Thur) 4weeks/9:00-12:00 (3hrs)+office hours For College and Graduate School Students (Male students and students from other universities welcome) 15 people only per class/60 person limit by enrollment!