Characteristics of Large Randomized Controlled Statin Trials Included in the Present Analysis Alawi A. et al. JACC 2008 Aug 20 [Epub ahead of print]


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Presentation transcript:

Characteristics of Large Randomized Controlled Statin Trials Included in the Present Analysis Alawi A. et al. JACC 2008 Aug 20 [Epub ahead of print]

Relationship Between On-Treatment LDL-C Levels and Incident Cancer in the Statin and Control Arms Each arm from each trial is considered an independent cohort of statin-treated or control individuals and is represented by an empty circle (with size proportional to each arm’s weight in the meta-regressions). Note how statin cohorts (arms) are shifted toward lower on-treatment low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, while corresponding to the same range of incident cancer rates. Note the LDL-C scale on the horizontal axis. Alawi A. et al. JACC 2008 Aug 20 [Epub ahead of print]

Risk of Cancer in Statin Versus Control Cohorts for Any Given Level of On-Treatment LDL-C Each trial is represented by an empty circle (with size proportional to its weight in the meta-regressions). The slope of the regression line represents the extent to which the incidence rate ratio for cancer depends on the on-treatment low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level in the statin arms (p 0.73 for the effect of on-treatment LDL-C on the incidence rate ratio for cancer in statin vs. control cohorts). Note the LDL-C scale on the horizontal axis. Alawi A. et al. JACC 2008 Aug 20 [Epub ahead of print]

Relationship Between On-Treatment LDL-C Levels and Incident Cancer Alawi A. et al. JACC 2008 Aug 20 [Epub ahead of print]