Chapter 7: Types of Interviews


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7: Types of Interviews

Information-Gathering Interview Types Investigative Survey Diagnostic Research Exit

Information-Gathering Interview Approach Collect background information Define interview goals & questions Choose right interviewee

Career Research Interview Value of personal contacts Conduct research Be remembered Gain referrals Choosing interviewees Contacting interviewees Following up

Employment Interview Pre-Interview Steps Conduct background research Contact potential employers Cover letter Resume

Employment Interview Pre-Interview Steps Prepare for formats Panel interview Stress interview Audition interview Behavioral interview Think constructively

Employment Interview During the Interview Anticipate key questions Educational background Work experience Career goals Personal traits Knowledge of organization & job

Employment Interview During the Interview Respond to employer’s needs & concerns Be honest Emphasize positive

Employment Interview During the Interview Back up answers with evidence (PAR) Problem Action Result Keep answers brief

Employment Interview During the Interview Be enthusiastic Have your questions answered Rehearse interview

Post-Interview Follow Up Employment Interview Post-Interview Follow Up Thank-you letter Demonstrates courtesy Reminds employer of you Provide facts Reminder of promises Correct misunderstandings

Employment Interview Interviewing and Law BFOQ Responding to illegal questions Answer Seek explanation Redirect Refuse to answer

Performance Appraisal Interview Definition and Importance Let employee know where he/she stands Develop employee skills Improve employment relationship

Performance Appraisal Interview Definition and Importance Help management learn employee point of view Counsel employee Set goals for future

Performance Appraisal Interview Steps in Appraisal Process Review progress Discuss successes, problems, and needs Accurate feedback Job-related feedback Set goals Review and respond