Connected Learning Week 5 CL environment map feedback & Part B critical discussion Map by Glenda baker, 2016 Tutorial overview Reminder: Assignment 1 requirements CL environment map feedback Assignment 1 – Part B - Critical Discussion Practice discussion Q & A
Map the CL environment of a particular community of CL learners, ie: Reminder: Assignment 2 2 parts: Map the CL environment of a particular community of CL learners, ie: visually represent this CL community’s network and its various elements [2 A4 sheets or equivalent – approx 200 words] Critical discussion of the CL environment that you have mapped [Approx 2300 words]
Your CL environment map ideas
Yasmin Relja
Liz Mellon
Angela Bowen
Part B: Critical discussion of the connected learning environment Critically discuss the connected learning environment that you mapped (in Part A). Consider the strengths and limitations of the connected learning environment and indicate opportunities for further development. The discussion should: Refer to Ito et al.’s connected learning principles, core properties and design principles (2013, p. 74-81) Explain and justify the distinctive characteristics of the connected learning environment that you mapped in Part A. In particular, address: (i) how peer-supported, interest-driven learning occurs within this environment (ii) how digital technologies and social media support learning and interactions of this CL learning community (iii) further expansion or learning opportunities, and/or risks, for the connected learning community Draw on 3-5 select scholarly references (in addition to Ito et al., 2013) that support your discussion Scholarly: academic written style with clear structure and expression; discussion meaningfully supported with references; full, accurate & consistent referencing (APA preferred)
For some ideas and questions to prompt your discussion, see Tables 3,4 & 6 in Ito et al. report (this is Table 6) - You don’t have to address particular dot points
Practice discussion □CL design principles ? □ CL principles ? - interest powered - peer supported - academically oriented □ CL core properties ? -Production-centred -Shared purpose -Openly networked □CL design principles ? -everyone can participate -learning happens by doing -challenge is constant -everything is interconnected □ Opportunities for further development? □ Potential risks?
Next week (Week 6) tutorial is optional - Assign 1 Q & A drop-in Be sure to complete Week 7 activities by 9 am Thursday 13 April