Pre-departure meeting China Pre-departure meeting
What to pack Please wear the TY blue hoodie’s for departure, return flights and at train station for Xian Be will have to carry the bag with you!...toiletries, comfortable, warm clothes and shoes, smart outfits for Irish events Any required medication ( GP note) Have change of clothes in carry on hand luggage
Departure NB: I will have all tickets, passports!! Thursday 15th of March: Depart from the school by coach at 5am for Dublin airport, Terminal 1 Travelling Etihad Airline Dublin-Abu Dhabi Flight no: EY 42G Check in from 8:35am Abu Dhabi-Beijing Flight no: EY 888G Arrive in Beijing Friday 16th at 8.50am NB: I will have all tickets, passports!!
Arrival 16th of March Arrive 8.50am (Chinese time) at Beijing Capital Airport Meet and greet by coach Transfer to Hotel-Beijing Hongkun Hotel. In Xian-Tianyou Hotel Itinerary begins!!…’Going Green’ that night!
At the Airport On check in, please line up in groups with your assigned teacher! This will make check in easier and quicker! Ensure you have no liquids ( above 100ml) or sharp items with your carry on luggage Stay together Make sure you know the departure gate number. Travel to the gate as a group having met at designated point in terminal on time!!!
On board the flight Please listen to all safety notices Be mindful and respectful of fellow passengers when chatting, moving around There will be a hot meal and snack on both flights. Drinks are complimentary In-flight entertainment at back of each seat...enjoy! Drink loads of water. Don’t eat too much junk
Room allocations Room mates confirmed-twin rooms! You must read emergency instructions at back of room door. Lock doors at night time-safety catch Be respectful of all hotel guests Limited noise when moving around the hotel
Behaviour Follow all rules as agreed to by yourself and parents NO Alcohol at Irish events/on flight Remember Chinese culture is very different in many aspects to our own. Be very respectful to all elders....Chinese teachers, dignitaries etc... Watch your language Don’t be giddy!! At meal times remember to wait to be seated, allow elders to eat first. Try all food! Even if it looks ‘different’ is manners to do so!...leave some food on your plate as a sign of respect Remember rules about chopsticks!
Self care Bring what you usually wear/bring to bed...teddy, comforter etc.. Try and follow same bedtime routine as home Ensure you have all medication for all your needs-note from GP confirming usage Text/ph parents when settled on arrival at hotel (What’s app) Keep texts to a minimum...expensive, homesick...distressing for parents!! Only drink bottled water Bring snacks/drinking cup for train Keep hands clean-hand gel Parents can follow us by following our posts on the school website