Meet The Teacher 2018 Miss Forrest Primary 1A
Meet The teacher General Class Information Numeracy (Miss Forrest) Literacy (Mrs Brown)
Communication and keeping in touch At the gate is the best place for quick sharing of information or questions A letter or note An appointment - made through the school office (or arrange with me personally). Parent’s night provisional dates 7th/ 8th November 2018 15th/16th May 2018 Medication, appointments, holidays etc. must be registered through the school office. Messages about a change in pick up arrangements etc. can also be passed on through the office if needed
School Relationships Policy No Golden time Removal of traffic lights Recognise great behaviour in different ways – house points, stickers, special prizes, star of the week, “Just a wee note” Vision time trial Restorative question cards available at office
Gym days will be on a Tuesday and Thursday this year General Information Gym days will be on a Tuesday and Thursday this year Please make sure children come prepared for this in clothes they can easily change in and out of – Homework this week is to practice dressing themselves! Children should always have a gym kit in school on their peg consisting of– red gym t-shirt Shorts Long joggers (in case we go outside!) a bag which closes properly at the top A pair of clean, indoor shoes which they can run in. Gym kits are sent home once at the end of term for washing. Please return these in the first week after the holidays.
General Information – Be prepared! Please make sure that every day your child brings - Any reading books/ homework folder A jacket with them – even when it looks dry outside! A filled water bottle – no juice please! A spare change of clothes – pants, socks, trousers.
General Information – Be prepared! We do try to return all your child’s belonging with them each day but to aid with this… PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!! First name, second name and class where possible. Regularly check labels are still legible – especially biro as tends to wash out of clothing easily. Rename hand me downs. Don’t forget - Lunch boxes, snack boxes, outdoor clothing, school bags, cardigans, jumpers, gloves, hats, scarves, purses, trousers, socks, t-shirts
How do we learn in Primary 1? Through active learning Through outdoor learning Through technology Through employability skills Through creativity And most importantly through play!
Stages of Early Arithmatic Learning SEAL and Numeracy Stages of Early Arithmatic Learning
An example… 6+5 = 11 Concrete items – cubes, counters Count from 1… Count on from 6… Jump strategy (6+4+1) Double strategy …All strategies vary in sophistication; SEAL aims to gradually teach children readily available strategies to select for problems like these.
SEAL : Numeracy Scheme reduces any gaps in children’s understanding of numeracy introduces children to progressively more sophisticated techniques to use when solving mathematical problems starts with visual and concrete items before introducing abstract techniques emphasis on asking children about the strategies they use, this allows them to choose the most effective one for them and also to learn from others in the class (provides an opportunity for you to check their understanding)
SEAL : Lesson Organisation Whole class introduction Differentiated groups: Pupils will receive targeted input in small groups with a teacher or PSA a few times a week. Play : When not working with a teacher or adult children will complete a numeracy task through play*. Whole class plenary; summarise learning Play tasks differentiated to suit the needs of learners
Emergent Children attempt to count to 20 begin to learn number words and recognise numerals begin to associate number words with a number of items we help children say forward and backwards number word sequences and identify number before and after encourage counting items in different ways show children how to sequence numbers introduce children to different ways of representing numbers: finger patterns, spatial patterns, temporal patterns discuss their strategies
Perceptual Children can count percieved items begin to create perceptual replacements for abstact problems help children say forward and backwards number word sequences and number before and after to 30 encourage adding two collections: introduce screening describe spatial patterns/represent finger patterns in different ways moving towards abstract representation help children group/share items (division) takeaway on their fingers provide opportunities to talk about strategies
Figurative Children counting and representing items to 100 can add two unseen collections begin to solve more sophisticated problems (missing number and takeaway sums) encourage adding two collections in different ways – introduce children into ‘counting on’ strategies provide opportunities to talk about and share their strategies
SEAL : Active Learning Programme provides lots of opportunities for active learning: children really enjoy it! Hands on activities and games We aim to make numeracy learning as fun and as engaging as possible Examples of resources are out on the tables… feel free to have a look around and ask me any questions!