Evolution of Foreign Policy Isolationism to World Leader
Isolationism Washington’s Farewell Address - Limit to Two Terms - Warning about political parties - Stay out of European Affairs Will guide American Foreign Policy for over 100 years.
War of 1812 British impressment of US citizens. Unprepared for war. Nation is split – Northeast considers secession. US victory establishes the nation’s strength.
Monroe Doctrine America will leave Europe alone. Western Hemisphere off limits. European involvement = act of war Mixture of Isolationism and Interventionism
Spanish American War Birth of American imperialism! (1898) Cuba and Yellow Journalism - Who blew up the Maine? Territories gained: - Puerto Rico - Guam - Philippines - Protectorate of Cuba start clip at 4:20
Roosevelt Corollary Big Stick Diplomacy (1901-1909) - “speak softly carry a big stick” Europe should remain out of the West US Military will maintain stability in the region. - avoid potential for European aggression.
Dollar Diplomacy William Howard Taft (1909 – 1913) American investment in Latin America “substituting dollars for bullets” Foundation of the use of foreign aid in today’s economic foreign policy.
Open Door Policy Secretary of State John Hay Sought to gain American influence in China. Foreigners would respect Chinese law. China agrees to address peasant concerns.
World War I Woodrow Wilson campaigned against the war. US had remained out of Europe. Woodrow Wilson campaigned against the war. German aggression draws the US in… - Lusitania - Zimmerman Telegram US enters as Russia withdraws Ends 4-year stalemate.
Return to Isolationism Rejection of the League of Nations - Congress fears losing power Little assistance to Europe - conditions ripe for another war. US returns focus to economic growth. Crash of 1929 impacts the world.
World War II US resists involvement Lend Lease Act - like lending a hose to a neighbor whose house is on fire. Japanese attack pulls US in. “Like waking a sleeping giant” -Admiral Yamamoto Emerge as a superpower opposed by the Soviet Union.