Creating your models
A quick demo… Your teacher will now show you how to copy and rename worksheets on a spreadsheet….
Remember…. Changing variables in a copy of a spreadsheet enables you to create and save models with different settings for your variables – without losing your model 1 and prototype. Having separate sheets for your models also helps when it comes to deciding what recommendations to make. Remember though that you run the risk of replicating errors if your prototype is faulty – and having to spend valuable time correcting the same mistake(s) several times could be costly…. So get the prototype RIGHT!
In this lesson students are learning how to: design and implement spreadsheet models
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: create at least 3 different models
Recommendations Remember the Brief – the key questions Bags-4 wants you to answer as recommendations in the presentation: Which loose bird foods? From which supplier(s)? The weight of the two loose foods in a bag How many bags for sale? What is sale price of each bag? All other information depends on the answers to these five questions.
Task Create 3 different models that will help you determine which Bird food combination you will go with and projected profits…
Homework In time for the next lesson, you need to have completed your models because next lesson is decision time: on which of the models will you base your recommendations? Only when you have decided which model you will recommend can you create the required chart showing expenditure, income and profit forecast.