Test Stress Tips
‘Twas the night before S.A.G.E… Pack your headphones in your backpack the night before. Get a good night’s sleep. Don’t skip breakfast. Wear comfortable clothes. Arrive at school/class on time. ‘Twas the night before S.A.G.E…
Testing Tips Stay focused AND relaxed. Sit comfortably. Expect and accept a little bit of stress. READ THE DIRECTIONS/ PROMPT. Use your scratch paper. Pace yourself. Don’t rush. Don’t get distracted. Testing Tips
Testing Tips Focus on the stuff you know. Between test days, mentally make a plan for the next day. Use all of your time. Once it’s over, don’t think about it too much. Testing Tips
Use relaxation techniques if you find yourself tensing and getting anxious during the test: Relax; you are in control. Take slow, deep breaths. Don’t think about the fear. Pause. Think about the next step and keep on task. Use positive reinforcement for yourself. Realize that anxiety can be a habit. Stressed Out!
Reading Skills Listening Skills Step 1 Read the questions (if possible) Step 2 Examine the text structure Have a pencil in hand at all times. Step 3 Read the title and skim the text for subheadings or pictures. Listen to the text. Step 4 Read the text. Listen to the text again, and write down on scratch paper the main ideas and important details Step 5 Read again and annotate the text(s). Use scratch paper to list important ideas and a summary. Refer to your notes as you answer the questions. Step 6 Refer back to the text as you answer the questions. Listen to the recording again, if you need to.