Membership Information Kappa Delta Pi Membership Information Fall 2018 Meetings Sept. 12th - Resumes: Explained Sept. 26th - Flexible Seating Oct. 17th - Being a Teacher in the Community Nov. 7th - The First Week of School Nov. 28th - Being a First Year Teacher Paying Dues - Local One-Time Initiation Fee: $20 Chapter Dues: $15 per semester These can be paid in cash or a check made out to Kappa Delta Pi Paying Dues - National National Dues: $47 for 1 year OR $82 for 2 years One-Time New Member Fee: $1 Use the following link to sign up and pay your dues: Membership Points You must earn 75 points by initiation to become a member Attend meetings [10 points] Complete community service hours* [5 points/hour] Participate in “T-Shirt Tuesday” and post a photo of you in KDP attire [1 points] Bring a friend to the meeting [3 points per friend] Refer a new member [5 points] Participate in a webinar [5 points] Become part of a committee [3 points] Come to a KDP Event [points based on the event] *Community Service MUST be logged in Boilerlink