Get Creative to Stretch Your Program Tiffany O’Dell, Pierce County Intro self
2013 Perfect Storm New Permit New Priorities Staff Turnover Change in permit – awareness focus to behavior change. PC is phase 1 – have to do it all More experienced staff left New division priorities – need for communications staff Outreach staff rehired with communications focus, not permit focus New assignments for outreach staff – more communications responsibilities, less focus on NPDES, still legal obligation to fulfill permit Staff Turnover
Doing More with Less PARTNERS WITH SIMILAR GOALS AMERICORPS VOLUNTEERS Look for ways to meet permit requirements with more requirements and less staffing Look at required programs and search for partners for each program – not just other jurisdictions Bigger role in regional programs with local implementation Hire 2 Americorps employees for ongoing program implementation, so staff can focus on program development Share resources with partners to gain greater outcomes Program examples: REGIONAL WORK SHARED RESOURCES
Natural Yard Care Hybrid focus home visits & workshops Emphasis on master gardeners – boost their program, boost our program messages Americorps trained as MGs to do yard visits Split costs with Tacoma TPCHD dirt alert program as model for yard visits, they consult with us on home visit design Give homeowners MGs as ongoing resource
Work on regional program – steering committee. Implement locally – advertising, recruit shops, workshops, leak test events Use final report from Ph 2 for program measurement requirement
LID Outreach Pierce Conservation District has been focused on LID Rain barrel and rain garden workshops MGs have rain garden specialists Upcoming – partner to create program for maintenance of LID facilities for homeowners who installed voluntarily and those who purchased or rent property with BMPs Puyallup, PCD, MGs, Tacoma, others?
Questions? Tiffany O’Dell, Outreach Coordinator Pierce County Public Works (253) 798-2468