color conclusions by:cheyenne Allen
Scientific Question What of the 5 rocks changes the color off the water most when light hits it
Hypothesis If I test 5 different colored rocks then I believe that the blue rock will change the color of the water the most when light hits it
Procedures 1.collect materials 2.get 1 cup 3.pore water into cup 4.jrop rock into cup 5.shine light onto cup 6.recored color of water 7.repeat steps 2-6 for reamaning rocks
data I experienced a wonderful change in colors of water as I did my test. when I dropped the rocks in and shined the light on the water it changed colors
conclusion First I put water in a cup. Then, I put a rock into the cup. Next, I flashed the light on it. After that, I recored the data on a pie chart.After that, I repeated steps 1- 4 Than, I tested a thery that all of the clear rocks would make the water clear.