Building capacity in the use of secondary data: undergraduate students in the field of Education Dr Emma Smith School of Education University of Birmingham
BA Childhood Culture and Education Typical modules – Child Development – Cultural Psychology – Teaching and Learning – Gender and Education Students background – Traditional A-level route, mainly Arts and Humanities – Access routes – CACHE diploma in childcare Career destinations – Initial Teacher Training primary
Activity: Analysing inequalities in the post-16 education provision within one large urban Local Authority The aim of the activity was to consider how one Local Authority could ensure that educational provision, in terms of breadth and choice of curriculum, was equitable among all its schools. Students were provided with the following information about schools within the area: – Academic attainment – Map of school locations – Post-16 curriculum – Contextualised pupil data Students had to characterise each school and make as assessment as to whether provision was equitable and where they felt this was not the case to provide explanations and recommendations.
Project 1 Year 3 dissertation research project Research question: What is the relationship between academic attainment in school and month of birth? Data set: Pupil Level Annual School Census for England Descriptive analysis of the relationship between birth month quartile, post-16 attainment (key focus on the A-level) and other demographic variables
Project 2 Year 3 dissertation research project Research question: What is the relationship between family size and social and educational characteristics? Dataset One cross-sectional wave of the British Household Panel Survey Descriptive analysis of the relationship between birth order and academic attainment, employment and demographic variables
Project 3 Year 3 dissertation research project Research question: To what extent does parental involvement in reading vary in two different schools? Data set: Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2006 Presentation of aggregate data from main study and replication of part of PIRLS parent questions to sample