SMIC Intra-era News Final project
What was your favorite thing we studied this year? Greece Rome India Middle Ages Renaissance Egypt Mesopotamia
In this project We will explore those topics and more. You can pick your favorite era, then your favorite thing in, person, place, or event which we have covered. Then we will form groups, and act as if we are reporters who can go back in time and report on the events. Would you like to interview Julius Caesar, be a war correspondent for the Hundred Years War, or report on the conquests of Alexander the Great?
Your group Your group will pick a topic Then you will research the topic Write a script Dress-up Then we will film your segment in class You do not need to film anything at home
Finals grade There will be two parts to your finals grade 60 points will be from your groups grade on this project 20 points will be your personal grade on the project from how well you work with your group 20 points will be from the test on terms I will give you on the social studies finals day
Rubric (for group grade) 20 points for historical accuracy 15 points for creativity 10 points for quality of script 5 points for sources (you will turn in to me) 5 points for respecting other groups 5 points for time 2-5 minutes