Dairy products are fattening and unhealthy. Is it a myth? By: Jacob and Dean
Facts saying it’s a Myth Some Dairy products aren't as fattening and unhealthy as others for example, milk has nutrients, protein and calcium. Some milk and yogurt have vitamin D to help your body use calcium. *Low-fat and fat-free milk, yogurt, and cheese are just as nutritious as whole-milk dairy products, but they are lower in fat and calories. * Dairy products have many nutrients your body needs, they offer protein to build muscles and help organs work properly, and calcium to strengthen bones. *Also some milk is good if it is not pasteurized. a
Facts against being a Myth * Although there are lots of facts saying that this is a myth there are some facts against this for example, milk also has a lot of saturated fat in it as well. Conventional milk is pasteurized, a process that exposes milk to high temperatures and results in Destruction of vitamins B12, B6, and C. Most varieties of milk come from cows that are fed high-protein soybean meal and growth hormones to increase production, both increases a cow's risk of developing liver problems leading to frequent doses of antibiotics.
Is this a Myth? Are Group come up with that the so called myth dairy products are fattening and unhealthy is not a myth because most dairy products have saturated fat and are high in sugar. From all of these facts what do you think about this so called myth? Is it not a myth after all?