Oxygen is very important to our survival. We can’t live without it Oxygen is very important to our survival. We can’t live without it. How do you think oxygen gets from our lungs to the rest of our body? Describe this process in your journal. bellwork 11-9-16
Bellwork Review Oxgyen is picked up in our lungs by our blood vessels. Our red blood cells drop off oxygen in the lungs for us to exhale, and pick up the oxygen we just inhaled.
objectives Students will be able to analyze how plant and animal cells are organized to carry on the processes of life. SPI 7.1.3 Explain the basic functions of a major organ system. Success Criteria: I can describe the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. I can explain how they work with other systems.
TOC #? Cardiovascular pg.? #? Respiratory pg.?
Cardiovascular Demonstration Stick the toothpick in your marshmallow with the sharp side up. Lay your arm on the desk with your palm facing up. Set the marshmallow on your wrist and sit as still as possible. What do you notice?
The Cardiovascular System Your heart, blood, and blood vessels make up your cardiovascular system. Your heart creates pressure when it beats, moving blood throughout the body. The cardiovascular system helps maintain homeostasis (stable internal environment) by: Carrying blood and nutrients to your cells and removing wastes from your cells. Carrying chemical signals called hormones throughout the body.
The heart is an organ made mostly of cardiac muscle tissue. The heart is about the size of your fist and is almost in the center of your chest cavity. The heart pumps blood through blood vessels. The vessels carrying oxygen-rich blood are shown in red. The vessels carrying oxygen- poor blood are shown in blue.
Blood Blood is a connective tissue made up of plasma, red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. Blood travels throughout your body carrying oxygen and nutrients in hollow tubes called blood vessels.
Three types of blood vessels: Arteries- carries blood away from the heart Capillaries- allows exchanges between body cells and blood Veins- carries blood back to the heart
BrainPop Cardiovascular
HBS Chart Function: The heart pumps blood through all of your vessels. Carries nutrients to cells. Major Organs: The heart, arteries, veins How it works with other systems: Carries nutrients from the digestive system to the cells. Carries oxygen from the respiratory system to the cells and delivers carbon dioxide to the lungs.
Muscular System demonstration Find the pulse on your neck just below your jaw bone. Count the number of times your heart beats during the next 30 seconds. Double that number to get your resting heartrate. How would you describe your breathing during those 30 seconds? For the next 1 minute 30 seconds, pick an aerobic activity to perform: jogging in place or jumping jacks. Find your pulse again and we will count the heartbeats for 30 seconds. What is your heartrate now? What do you notice about your breathing? What connection can you make between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems?
The Respiratory system Respiration is the process by which a body gets and uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide and water. The respiratory system is a group of organs that take in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. Respiratory System Organs: Nose, throat, lungs, and passageways that lead to the lungs
breathing Breathing is done by the diaphragm (muscle) and rib muscles since the lungs have no muscles of their own. Breathing Steps: Inhale and the diaphragm contracts, moves down, and the chest cavity’s volume increases. At the same time, rib muscles contract and lift the rib cage. The chest cavity gets bigger and a vacuum is created. Air is sucked in.
HBS CHART Function: Lungs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Major organs: trachea, lungs, diaphragm How it works with other systems: works with the cardiovascular system to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Exit Ticket- Answer on a post-it Which systems work most closely together to carry oxygen to cells and to remove carbon dioxide waste? A) digestive and excretory B) skeletal and muscular C) circulatory and respiratory D) nervous and reproductive