warm-Up No journal today. We will start by taking the very, very short common assessment on Unit 1. Please clear your desk and wait until I pass it out. You will have 15 minutes!! No questions/worries about the project until we are done with this, please.
Self-Grade (100 points) Please fill out the Project Self-Grade Rubric. You must give yourself a score in every category AND you must include the comment/explanation. Total up your score at the very bottom.
PRESENTATIONS Please choose one piece from your project you would like to share with the class. You must read it yourself. You will earn a grade in Speaking/Listening for this. While we listen Use the graphic organizer to take notes. This is a grade. Afterwards Write 4 Thank You Notes to the peers of your choice. Make sure you include the positive and the suggestion.
Turning in your project When you are done, put the following items in this order: 1) Green Rubric 2) Self-Grade 3) Your Project Put them on your desk, and I will pick it up.