Ch. 12, 13, and 17 Test is Friday (warm-ups due on day of test) ECONOMICS: April 2 Warm-up Why is “specializing in what you do best and trading for the rest” theoretically preferable as opposed to countries trying to produce everything on their own? Learning Target In order to understand international trade policy I will analyze trade restrictions and trade agreements. I will know I have it when I can: (1) list and explain the different types of trade barriers; (2) explain why nations may choose to pursue protectionist trade policy; (3) explain some reasons why many believe free trade is better than protectionism; and (4) explain the ongoing controversy surrounding NAFTA. Ch. 17, Lessons 1 & 2 Guide (HO from yesterday) (TURN IN) --barriers to trade: tariffs, quotas, & embargoes --protectionists vs. free trader philosophies --NAFTA: pros, cons --USMCA (NAFTA 2.0): must still be ratified by Congress; by summer 2019? Key Differences Between NAFTA and USMCA; USMCA Signing and Future Closure Do you agree with protectionists or free traders? Explain. Assignment --Read Ch. 17, Lesson 3 --Ch. 12, 13, and 17 Test Review (HO) Ch. 12, 13, and 17 Test is Friday (warm-ups due on day of test) ALL MAKEUP WORK DUE BY END OF CLASS TOMORROW