NAHS Meeting- October 4th Please have a seat and we will take attendance shortly. :)
NAHS T-Shirts We will be ordering t-shirts soon. The options are: Short sleeve- prairie dust (neutral color) Sky (blue color) The writing and design on both shirts will be in white. You do not have to get both, ony one if you like. The price will be about 6$ for short sleeve option ( I will know more based off the design) We need your help with t-shirt designs. We have a template already printed and, after our powerpoint, you guys can work on designs. Or you can work on them at home and drop them off with Ms. Bagley by Friday, October 7th.
Induction Ceremony The NAHS Induction Ceremony will be held on November 1st at 5:30pm (estimated). If you are new to NAHS, you are encouraged to attend the ceremony to receive a certificate and sign our NAHS canvas. We will be needing some donations for refreshments after the event. Each donation item will count for 5 donation points. Some of the items needed include: Drinks Cups Plates Forks Napkins We will have a sign-up list at the front for you to sign up.
Levine Children’s Hospital We are starting to take donations for the Levine Children’s Hospital. A list of all the items you can donate is on Ms. Bagley’s website at under the NAHS tab. **** All donations will be due before Thanksgiving break.
Murals Now you guys can meet with your mural groups (I will have the mural sign-ups up front if you forgot which one you signed up for). Today’s goals: Spend some time coming up with t-shirt designs Gesso your board Plan times to meet in between NAHS meetings For those of you that have to come up with designs, please come up with a sketch to turn in before you leave.
Sign up for remind! Text @nafonahs To 81010 NAHS Meeting 10/4/16