Classroom rules and expectations Be respectful Be responsible.


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Presentation transcript:

Classroom rules and expectations Be respectful Be responsible

What’s in store for you this term? Grammar Expository writing Poetry (novel study) Figurative language Benchmark (early February) DPAs EOC review before the big day (April 9th) Holocaust novel study Research paper Mythology Romeo and Juliet English I Part A is done. You earned credit, or you didn’t. You’re now working towards earning credit for English I Part B.

If you miss more than four days within a nine week period, you automatically lose credit. To regain credit, your absences MUST be excused, and you’ll need to attend Saturday school to make up the time. Saturday school deadlines apply. Every time you miss a day, you miss instruction and fall behind not only on the assignments but the material itself. It is YOUR responsibility to come in after school for missed instruction/assignments. You may also check my website, figure out what you missed.

This term, be prepared for mandatory tutoring based on performance on essay writing, DPAs, benchmark, and overall classroom assignments. This is a non-negotiable. For those of you in extra-curricular activities, it is your responsibility to communicate with your coach and/or sponsor that you are attending tutoring. Tutoring times and dates are as follows: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:05 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

As much as I hate to talk about standardized testing, it’s the reality. You will be taking one of the most difficult end of course exams of your high school career. Multiple reading passages (50% of overall score), a full expository essay (25% of overall score), and multiple revising and editing passages (25% of overall score). There is literally no time to waste. You’re either here to learn, or you’re setting yourself up for failure. If you didn’t perform to the best of your ability first term, you have the opportunity to start fresh, now. Learn as much as humanly possible in order to be successful.

This week We’ll be focusing on grammar and reintroducing articles of the week. Next week, the focus will be expository writing. Supplies: Journal for daily writing. You may need/want to purchase a new one for this term. Binder can remain neatly on the shelves provided. Please make an effort to organize your papers regularly. We will be having binder checks.

Remind (fastest response) Email (a little slower response) Check my for any work or assignments missed while you were out. I will not come to look for you to give you the assignments.