European Imperialism Reasons, Causes, and Effects of European dominance of Africa I. And so it begins … Portugal and Africa When did Portugal first set sail for Africa and what was their reasoning for doing so? At the time, how did Europeans view Africans? How did King Nzinga respond to that first encounter? What was the result? When and why did things begin to change in the relationship between the Portuguese and the Africans? When did other European nations begin to take an interest in the continent?
Summarize the FIVE Results of the slave trade II. The Slave Trade Explain the origins of slavery in Africa. What prompted a European need for African slaves? Summarize the FIVE Results of the slave trade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
III. The End of Slave Trade; Missionaries Gone Wild! When did the slave trade begin to decline? What country was the first to abolish the practice? CRITICAL THINKING: If the Slave trade was abolished in 1808 by the United States, how is it that slavery continued well into the mid-to-late 1800s? (discuss as a table group!) What was the purpose of European missionaries following explorers into Africa? What did these missionaries accomplish? 5. How could these groups possibly have had a negative impact on Africa?
IV. Imperialism: Who and Why When did the main land-grab begin in Africa? Who were the main European countries involved in this? What were the THREE main reasons for European Imperialism in Africa? CRITICAL THINKING: As a table group analyze and discuss the political cartoon on the right. What is the message of the cartoon? What details do you see to support this idea?
V. How did Imperialism change Africa? Summarize EACH of the 8 points in 1-2 sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.