Color sensor program 5/15/17 We had to consider the color range (380 – 430) for the belt, so that it wouldn’t affect the reading for the candies The belt has two different shades of green that could disturb the reading of the candies; we have to make sure the program is able to work around this
Color sensor program pineapple Lifesavers: 290 range green apple lifesavers: 300 range Mango melon lifesaver: 280 range grape lifesaver: 320 range tangerine lifesaver: 250 range raspberry lifesaver: 270 range 5/9/17
Color sensor program Watermelon jolly rancher: 270 range Green apple jolly rancher: 300 range Blue raspberry jolly rancher: 360 range Grape jolly rancher: 330 range Cherry jolly rancher: 290 range 5/10/17
Color sensor program Strawberry starburst: 180 range Cherry starburst: 210 range Orange starburst: 200 range Lemon starburst: 190 range 5/12/17
Color sensor program Red range: 530-560 (this includes red, orange, and pink) Yellow range: 500-520 (this includes yellow and green) Blue range: greater than 560 (this includes blue and purple) 5/24/17
Color sensor program 6/1/17
final 5/26/17 Power Point By: Candy Leyva