Team Challenge
Groups Recorder Lead Engineer Shopper
1: Make a prediction of how high you want the structure to be, include how tall you want it to be. 2: Draw the structure 3. Write out all the materials you will use 4. Some constraints will be: time, money, and materials
Are you Ready? Here are the Guidelines – failure to comply will result in disqualification: Build the tallest structure using the materials provided Use as Much or as Little of the following items: spaghetti, masking tape, string, marshmallows, toothpicks, glue, bamboo skewers, bubble wrap, etc. The Challenge Lasts *** minutes
Time to rethink your idea. Write down what you would do differently?
Who ever has the tallest structure still freestanding after the time has run out will win a “GET OUT OF JAIL” pass that will allow them to turn in one homework assignment. This will only be good for the current trimester. ANY QUESTIONS?