Atmospheric Gravity Wave Event LT Brad G Harris
Outline Ships observations. Other observations Comparison study
Ship Data Quick Obs: 00-11Z: Visibility at 20km. Sky conditions unchanged. 12Z: Visibility at 20km. Sky conditions unchanged. “Quick squall. Winds up to 25 knots in last hour” 13Z: Visibility decreased to 4km.
NCEP: 2004 FEB 02 12Z Surface Analysis
Other Surface Observations
Santa Cruz 1100 MBARI Mooring M1 1120 Chowchilla 1200 Fort Ord 1140 Granite Canyon 1130 MBARI Mooring M2 1100 Pt Sur 1130 Pt Piedras Blancas 1145 Paso Robles 1230 Wave Dir Phase Speed = 16m/s Wave Length = 24km Santa Maria 1200
GOES-10 IR 1100Z
GOES-10 IR 1200Z
Comparison Study Looked at three articles involving comparison studies.
Common Features Wave packets or less common singular wave Jet streak role not fully understood but gravity wave usually exist in exit region High precipitation rates Strong low level inversion below neutrally buoyant layer: Inversion not present in this case but do have neutrally buoyant atmosphere.