India Nationalism
Background After WWII political changes across took place across the world Colonies pushed for independence Colonial powers questioned the practice of colonialism
Independence Indian resistance intensified during WWII British enlisted India soldiers in the war This humiliated India Mohandas Gandhi launched a nonviolent campaign of noncooperation The British imprisoned the Nationalists
Mohandas Gandhi Was a Hindu and practiced law in South Africa Wanted Indian independence Wanted to ended the caste system Fought for the rights of both Hindus and Muslims
Mohandas Gandhi Used nonviolence and noncooperation to achieve his goals Gandhi said, “NO WAY, that is not fair!! Why should we have to buy back our own cotton cloth?! Let’s spin it ourselves!” He dressed simply a made his own cloths jailed for making his own cloths
Mohandas Gandhi He dressed simply a made his own cloths Gandhi Movie SALT Mohandas Gandhi He dressed simply a made his own cloths jailed for making his own cloths Next he had his people go to the sea and make their own salt The English beat him and his followers and put them in jail They continued until the English gave up Non-violent acts of defiance
Two Religions India was home to 350 million Hindus & 100 million Muslims Congress Party – India’s national political party, most member were Hindus Muslim League – founded to protect Muslim’s interests in India Muhammad Ali Jinnah – leader of the Muslim League
Freedom and Turmoil British had huge war debt after WWII It was too expensive to maintain colonies The British wanted to give India power But who should get the power?
Partition and Bloodshed Muslims resisted attempts become part of a government that was dominated by Hindus Riots between Hindus and Muslims broke out One city had 5,000 dead Gandhi fasted in protest until the fighting stopped
Partition and Bloodshed The Muslims wanted a partition The British felt that this was the only way to ensure peace Partition – the division of India into separate Hindu and Muslim nations In 1947 Pakistan for Muslims India for Hindus
Partition and Bloodshed The British passed the act on July 16, 1947 India and Pakistan were independent Many people had to decide where to go Government officials Native Princes Military units Railroad companies Police Hindus Muslims Sikhs
Partition and Bloodshed Summer of 1947, 10 million people moved in India During the moving violence broke out between the different religious groups Muslims killed Sikhs who were moving to India Hindus and Sikhs killed Muslims who were moving to Pakistan 1 Million dead
Mohandas Gandhi “what is there to celebrate” “I see nothing but rivers of blood” He went to Delhi to plead for the fair treatment of Muslim refugees While there a Hindu extremist shot and killed Gandhi on January 30, 1948 Millions showed up to his funeral Assassination
The Battle for Kashmir Hindus and Muslims fought over Kashmir Borders Pakistan Majority Muslim Ruled by Hindus Both countries went to war over control of this region Cease-fire signed in 1949 But both countries still fight over the region today Kashmir
Gandhi “a small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history” “be the change that you want to see in the world” “man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he work for the welfare of his fellow-man”