Year 4 Wednesday 16th November 2016 Developing confident readers Supporting deeper comprehension of fictional texts (including poetry) Year 4 Wednesday 16th November 2016
What do children struggle with? Recognise different forms of poetry and describe their features To give a personal view point on a text. Explain why a writer has used different sentence types or a particular word order and the effect it created. Justify inferences with evidence, predicting what might happen from details stated or implied. Identify and summarise ideas drawn from more than one paragraph. Using a dictionary to check the meaning of unfamiliar words. Re-explain a text with confidence. English - Reading Poetry English - Reading Fiction
Reading Comprehensions often contain a variety of questions which will require children to use a range of skills to answer and understand texts effectively Literal: The answer is there in the text e.g. What was the character’s name? What did they eat for dinner? What colour was the car? Deduction: is an understanding based on the evidence given in the text. Inference: is an interpretation that goes beyond the literal information given or giving your own opinion referring to text e.g. The police find a body with a knife sticking out of it. We could infer that someone didn’t like that person. We can deduce that the person has probably been murdered because it has a knife sticking out of it.
How could you support your child at home? Ask questions about books they are reading – predict summarise, characters thoughts and feelings, check meaning of words, discussion questions e.g. did you like that film? What was the best part? Why? Books – children should be reading a range of fiction and non fiction books Reading at home – encourage children to read daily.
Activities Different types of poetry and analysing features (understanding structure and language). Understanding poetry – comprehension questions Reading and understanding a range of genre – language and vocabulary activities Making inferences – comprehension activities. General resources
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