Causes of the American Revolution: The Enlightenment and Great Awakening m
What is the Enlightenment? Movement beginning in the late 1600s that spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society Significance: During the Enlightenment, people began to think for themselves
Important Enlightenment Thinkers
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Early British thinker An absolute monarch was the best form of government because humans are selfish and violent. Social Contract= people give up all of their rights to the monarchy in exchange for peace and security.
John Locke (1632-1704) English Enlightenment Thinker Humans are mostly reasonable, but sometimes selfish. Natural rights to life, liberty and property cannot be taken away by the government. Social contract = people give up some rights to the government for protection. People can rebel if the government takes too many rights.
Charles de Montesquieu (1689-1755) French Enlightenment Thinker Separation of powers= government is divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches Argued against slavery m
Voltaire (1694-1778) French Enlightenment Thinker An enlightened absolute monarch is the best form of government. People should have the right to choose their own beliefs, especially religious beliefs. Argued against slavery
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) French Thinker Humans are naturally good but civilized life corrupts us Use feelings rather than reason Social contract= everyone is governed by the “general will” Direct Democracy
The Great Awakening 1730s-1740s
What was the Great Awakening? The Great Awakening was a religious revival in the American colonies during the 1730s and 1740s. It made American colonists more enthusiastic about religion.
What caused the decline in religious fervor? Later generations of Puritans were more concerned with money than religion. Many people were bored with the long sermons. Some started believing in Catholic ideas, such as salvation through good works.
Who were the major players in the Great Awakening? John Edwards George Whitefield Wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Described what hell is like Evangelical preacher who spoke of the helplessness of man and our need to rely on God
Why was the Great Awakening Important? Caused people to rely less on authority Americans began to believe more strongly that all men are created equal. The Great Awakening was the first spontaneous mass movement of the American people. American unity- Colonists had a shared experience Contributed to “Revolutionary fervor”