Improvement Reflection – To be completed on your own paper. 1. Go to your second draft and highlight 3 places where you added new information. Label those three places A, B, and C on the second draft. On your own paper tell me how adding that information improved the quality of your paper. Be specific. Address A, B, and C separately. 2. Go to your second draft again. Identify 2 punctuation, grammar, spelling, formatting, citation, OR imbedded quotation errors that you fixed from your first draft. Highlight one instance of the fix for each error and label those fixes D and E. On your own paper tell me how fixing errors like the ones you’ve identified (and others) improves the quality of the writing. 3. What 2 habits/choices/decisions/tricks have you learned from this revision process? More generally, what will you do differently for paper writing in the future? 4. Staple 2nd draft (on top), 1st draft with my comments, improvement reflection and turn them in.