Respiratory System Lindsey and Kailey
What is the Respiratory System? A system where oxygen is taken into the body and is exchanged for carbon dioxide.
Alveoli Tiny air sacs in the lungs where carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange.
Bronchial Tubes This is the passing way of air from the trachea coming from the nose or mouth, going into the lungs.
Lungs These are breathing organs in the chest, protected by rib cages that remove carbon dioxide and bring oxygen into the blood.
Nasal Cavity A large space that fills with air, in the middle of the face, above and behind the nose. This is lined with mucus which keeps the inside of your nose moist.
Larynx A muscular air passage to the lungs, containing the vocal cords (the voice box).
Trachea A tube that connects the Larynx with the Bronchial parts of the Lungs. This is also known as the windpipes.
Urinary Tract Infection An infection in any part of the urinary system including the kidneys, bladder and urethra. The urinary system helps flush the body of harmful substances.
UTI- Cardiovascular Normal kidney function depends on blood supply. Therefore, decreased blood delivery to the kidneys often results in acute heart failure. This condition causes a rapid decline in kidney function. Disturbances in kidney blood supply affect the urinary outflow.
UTI- Digestive Digestion is the process in which food is broken down and sent to the kidneys through the blood. The digestive system and the excretory system (including the kidneys) work hand in hand when it comes to getting rid of waste. Therefore, if the digestive system cannot properly break down food, too many toxins will be passed to the urinary system. If the kidneys aren’t working at full capacity, the toxins won’t be filtered and will remain in the body, causing infection.
UTI- Immune In some cases, the immune system misidentifies the kidneys and attacks, causing kidney damage.
UTI- Nervous People that experience nervous system disorders and complications have an increased risk of having a UTI. Nervous system problems can cause urine leakage. The residual urine may lead to an increased risk of developing a UTI.
UTI- Respiratory N/A
UTI- Urinary UTI’s take place and occur in the urinary system, where a bacteria travels up the urethra to the bladder. Antibiotics are used to treat a UTI once it is diagnosed.