Warm Up Kristallnacht means “night of broken glass” and was a pogrom or series of coordinated attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany in November 1938. The attacks left the streets covered with broken glass from the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues. In what language does “kristallnacht” mean “night of broken glass”? Which genocide did this mark the beginning of? What is a “pogrom”?
War Crimes Trials
The Nuremburg Trials Nazi leaders put on trial Claim to be “following orders” 24 tried and 12 executed
The Tokyo Trials US occupies Japan after WWII General MacArthur leads the occupation of Japan
The Tokyo Trials Wartime leaders like Hideki Tojo arrested
The Tokyo Trials Hideki Tojo put on trial for war crimes Found guilty & executed
Results of Other Genocides
Armenian Genocide Ended with Ottoman defeat in World War I Turkey to this day denies a genocide occurred
Cambodian Genocide Communist leader Pol Pot deposed Placed under house arrest No Khmer Rouge ever tried for genocide
Rwanda Tribunal United Nations court Human rights violations 50 tried
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Established and adopted by members of the UN Code of conduct for the treatment of all people & protection by their government