Chapter four vocabulary Thomas MacDonald ECCE ROMANI Chapter four vocabulary Thomas MacDonald
Words and Definitions Molestus- troublesome Semper- always Vexat- annoys Igitur- therefore Amat- likes/loves Dormit- sleeps Conspicit- catches sight of Furtim- stealthily
Words and Definitions (continued) Appropinquat- to approach Ascendit- climbs Magnus- big Magna voce- in a loud voice. Audit- hears Videt- sees Vox- voice Terret- frightens
Words and Definitions (continued) Sollicita- anxious Tum- then Descende- to come down Tu- you (subject) Te- you (direct object) Nihill- nothing Cave- Be careful Ramus- branch
Words and Definitions (continued) Infirmus- weak Fragor- Noise Qualis- What sort of… Quo- Where…to
Chapter Four Vocabulary Exercises Match the Words with the correct Definitions: Igitur Troublesome Molestus Always Infirmus Noise Fragor Sleeps Nihill Branch Sollicita Big Magna Be Careful Ramus What sort of Audit sees Vox hears Audit Where…to