esp@cenet developments 2009 from the European Patent Office International convention on intellectual property & competitiveness for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) Workshop 2 - Using Technological Information for Strengthening the Competiveness of SMEs Jeremy Philpott Rome 10 December 2009
esp@cenet Improved navigation of the helpfiles
esp@cenet Default database = Worldwide
Developments 2009 Enhancements Coverage information included when selecting a database
Developments 2009 Improved navigation
Developments 2009 A0 published under "Also published as"
Developments 2009 Improved number search intelligence
Developments 2009 Display all publication levels in result list
Developments 2009 Lift limit on keywords and expand size of search fields
Developments 2009 ECLA
Developments 2009 All citations are displayed
Developments 2009 - Claims parser
Developments 2009 Highlighting
Developments 2009 Sort function
Developments 2009 Sort function
Further development Full text searching
Developments 2009 - recap Coverage information visible when selecting a database EP - EuroPCT All publication levels visible on results list Improved number search intelligence Lift limit on keywords and expand search fields Browse ECLA by first page clippings Display ALL citations Claim parser Highlighting Sorting result lists Full text RSS feeds
Expected in production: end November 2009