Mark Branom, IT Services Creating RSS Feeds Mark Branom, IT Services Tech Briefing October 3, 2008
Creating RSS Feeds <?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Title of Feed Goes Here</title> <description>Description of Feed Goes Here</description> <link>Link to the Feed Goes Here</link> <item> <title>Title of Item 1 Goes Here</title> <description>Description of Item 1 Goes Here</description> <link>Link to Item 1 Goes Here</link> </item> <title>Title of Item 2 Goes Here</title> <description>Description of Item 2 Goes Here</description> <link>Link to Item 2 Goes Here</link> </channel> </rss>
Creating an Atom Feed <?xml version="1.0"?> <feed xmlns=""> <title>Title of Feed Goes Here</title> <subtitle>SubTitle of Feed Goes Here</subtitle> <link href="http://LinkToTheFeedGoesHere"/> <updated>Today's Date</updated> <author> <name>Author's Full Name</name> <email>Author's Email</email> </author> <id>Identifying information For the Feed Goes Here</id> <entry> <title>Item 1 Title Goes Here</title> <link href="http://Item1LinkGoesHere"/> <id>Item 1's ID Goes Here</id> <updated>Item 1's Updated Date Goes Here</updated> <summary>Summary Text Goes Here</summary> </entry> <title>Item 2 Title Goes Here</title> <link href="http://Item2LinkGoesHere"/> <id>Item 2's ID Goes Here</id> <updated>Item 2's Updated Date Goes Here</updated> </feed>