The Boy in the Striped pajamas gr. 02 Chapters Should be done reading by: 1-3 Friday September 12th 4-6 Wednesday September 19th 7-9 Wednesday September 26th 10-12 Friday October 5th 13-15 Monday October 15th 16-20 Thursday October 25th (Final Exam)
The Boy in the Striped pajamas gr. 41 Chapters Should be done reading by: 1-3 Tuesday September 18th 4-6 Tuesday September 25th 7-9 Tuesday October 2nd 10-12 Wednesday October 10th 13-15 Wednesday October 24th 16-20 Tuesday October 30th (Final Exam)
The Boy in the Striped pajamas gr. 42 Chapters Should be done reading by: 1-3 Friday September 14th 4-6 Friday September 21st 7-9 Wednesday October 3rd 10-12 Tuesday October 9th 13-15 Wednesday October 17th 16-20 Tuesday October 23rd (Final Exam)
The Boy in the Striped pajamas gr. 46 Chapters Should be done reading by: 1-3 Friday September 14th 4-6 Thursday September 20th 7-9 Friday September 28th 10-12 Thursday October 11th 13-15 Thursday October 18th 16-20 Tuesday October 25th (Final Exam)
The Boy in the Striped pajamas gr. 47 Chapters Should be done reading by: 1-3 Tuesday September 18th (even if I don’t see you!) 4-6 Tuesday September 25th 7-9 Tuesday October 2nd (even if I don’t see you!) 10-12 Wednesday October 10th 13-15 Friday October 19th (even if I don’t see you!) 16-20 Monday October 29th(Final Exam)