Aquatic Insect Self Test By: Anna Rennie Marine Biology Per.1
Caddisfly adult (TRICHOPTERA) 1. Notice the hairs
Black fly larva (DIPTERA) 2. Notice filter feeding brushes sessile
Mosquito pupa (DIPTERA) 3. Notice the developing legs inside the skin trumpet Mosquito pupa (DIPTERA) paddles
Stonefly nymph (PLECOPTERA) 4. Two tails Notice the “arm pit” gills Realistic fishing lure based on this critter
Whirligig beetle larva (COLEOPTERA) 5. Numerous long feathery gills
6. Mayfly Nymph (EPHEMEROPTERA) Three Tails
7. Mayfly Adult (EPHEMEROPTERA) Three Tails
8. Dragonfly Nymph (ODONATA)8 Pinchers
9. Dragonfly Adult (ODONATA) 2 long clear wings on both sides of body-perpendicular
10. Damselfly Nymph (ODONATA) Long, segmented body. 3 short tails
11. Damselfly Adult (ODONATA) Long, skinny body
12. Stonefly Adult (PLECOPTERA) 1 set of wings that lies on top of the body
13. Water Boatman Adult (HEMIPTERA) Tiny hairs on front arm
14. Backswimmer Adult (HEMIPTERA) Much longer set of back legs
15. Giant Water Bug Adult (HEMIPTER) Larger than most water bugs. Triangle on the back
16.Water Scorpion Adult (HEMIPTERA) Skinny, long, single tail Large Pinchers
17.Water Strider Adult (HEMIPTERA) 4, long, skinny, legs
18. Halobates Adult Genus that is almost exclusive to marine insects. Also, this is the only genus that has insects that live in the open ocean. The majority of the insects live near water.
19. Predacious Diving Beetle Larva (COLEOPTERA) Segmented body, 3 legs on each side
20.Predacious Diving Beetle Adult (COLEOPTERA) Hairs on legs pinchers
21.Whirligig Beetle Adult (COLEOPTERA) Only 1 set of arms
22.Riffle Beetle Larva (COLEOPTERA) Segme-nted body, brush type thing at the back
23. Water Penny Larva (COLEOPTERA) Shell
24. Caddisfly Larva (TRICHOPTERA) Builds covers over themse-lves
25. Mosquito Larva (DIPTERA) Mouth brush, many tiny arms
26. Mosquito Adult (DIPTERA) Pinchers in the front
27. Midge Larva (DIPTERA) Segmented body, two legs, brush at back
28. Midge Adult (DIPTERA) Long, hairy pinchers
29. Blackfly Adult (DIPTERA) Small head, big abdomen
30. Rat-tailed Maggot (DIPTERA) Long tail