Russia’s Westernization Peter the Great
Excerpt from President Obama’s inauguration speech “We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.”
Answer the following question in the space provided on your participation guide What is the “way of life” that President Obama references in his speech? What are some of the most valuable changes adopting the American way of life can bring? Why do some societies reject our way of life?
An outsider’s perspective on Russia What, overall, was Adan Olearius’s opinion of Russia? What informed his point of view?
POV – Russian characters Examine your character sketch with your partner(s). Summarize your character’s position on Peter the Great
Vote with your feet Based on your character’s point of view, move to the side of the room labeled “Pro-Peter”, “Anti-Peter”, or “undecided”. Be prepared to explain your decision. During the discussion you may move to another group if your opinion changes, but KEEP IN CHARACTER
Missing Points of View What additional points of view would help you understand how Peter’s agenda was regarded by Russians? Why?
Analysis What were Russians rejecting about Peter’s Westernization program? What were Russians accepting?
Exit ticket Based on your summary of pro and anti-Peter arguments, how should Peter be regarded and why? (write on your participation guide)