Village of Mecosta Mecosta County, Michigan The Outsiders: Josh Vrona, Jen Polglaze, CJ Heykoop
Definitions Community: a group of people sharing common interests, needs, resources, and environment; an interrelating, interacting group of people with shared needs and interests. Community Health: “The combination of sciences, skills, and beliefs directed towards the maintenance and improvement of the health of all the people through collective and social actions. The programs, services, and institutions involved emphasize the prevention of disease and the health needs of population as a whole. Community health activities chance with changing technology and social values but the goals remain the same” (WHO). Community (as client):
Healthy People 2020 One indicator Nursing role
Possible Health Risks 1st : Lack of access to quality foods (no grocery store in town, closests is either Remus or Big Rapids) 2nd : Poverty
Possible Health Risks con’t 3rd : Lack of Public Tansportation 4th : Lack of Spiritual/Emotional Outreach Risk identified in scholarly paper
Open Space
Service Centers
Religion and Politics
Stores and (lack of) Street People
Health and Morbidity (risks/strengths)
Commons/Gathering Areas
Signs of Decay
Group Scholarly Problem Statement
SMART Goal: Intervention
Conclusion Mecosta is a small town that doesn’t have a post office or grocery store but at least they have enough used books that every member of the community could be reading 10 books at one time and still have stacks to the ceiling of the books store.
References A GLOSSARY OF TERMS FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE AND SERVICES FOR OLDER PERSONS. (2004).WHO Centre for Health Development Ageing and Health Technical Report, 5, 16. Retrieved from