BID OPENER 1 LOGS IN Dept user/Evaluator Logs in
Enter the token password and click ok
Click for Technical Evaluation
Click here to view List of Tenders to be Technically Evaluated
1. List of bidders qualified in Technical bid opening 2. Update the status and reasons 4. submit 3. Here, the 3rd bidder is Rejected
Updation of Committee member details and Recommendations 1. Fix the date and time for financial bid opening 3. Select the document 2. Click browse to upload the technical evaluation document
2.Click for ok 3..Click save 1. Sign the document
Technical Evaluation is getting over 2. Click here to edit the tech evaluation 2. Click here to view the recommendation of the committee 1. Click here to see the Technical Evaluation Summary
2. Click here to print the tech evaluation summary Summary of Technical Evaluation
End of Technical Evaluation