for learning, teaching and assessment Eportfolios for learning, teaching and assessment Julie Hughes University of Wolverhampton
What is an ePortfolio? …a collection of authentic and diverse evidence, drawn from a larger archive, that represents what a person or organisation has learned over time, on which that person or organisation has reflected, designed for presentation to one or more audiences for a particular rhetorical purpose National Learning Infrastructure Initiative, 2003 A systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and the student to monitor the growth of the student's knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Cole et al, 2000 What is produced when persons collect, select, reflectively interpret, and/or present their own evidence to support their assertions about what they have learned, know, and can or should do. Cambridge, 2003
What is an ePortfolio NOT? …a haphazard collection of artifacts (i.e. a scrapbook) but rather a reflective tool which demonstrates growth over time Barrett, 2000 Paper and e-portfolios are inherently limiting Love et al, 2004 Webfolios are static Web sites where functionality derives from HTML links. ePortfolio therefore, now refers to database-driven, dynamic web sites, not static, HTML-driven sites. Batson, 2002 An ePortfolio is a personal digital collection of information describing and illustrating a person’s learning, career, experience and achievements. ePortfolios are privately owned and the owner has complete control over who has access to what and when. the digital portfolio… is even more interesting for its contribution to the learning process EIfEL, 2005