Prey & Predator Lab
Was your hypothesis true or false? Explain. Be sure to provide information about why fox/rabbit populations would increase or decrease (food, shelter, predators, etc.)
What does population change mean? This is when the number of individuals increase or decrease because of ____ and ____ due to environmental factors. Births and deaths
List 3 factors that caused a decrease in the rabbit population October 1979 ten rabbits died because of lack of food and poor climate April 1981 eight rabbits died because of disease October 1982 fourteen rabbits died because there wasn’t enough mice so foxes had to eat more rabbits for survival
List 2 factors that caused a increase in the rabbit population October 1980 fifteen rabbits moved into Hyde Farm area because of abundance of food October 1981 twelve rabbits were born
List 3 factors that caused a decrease in the fox population April 1981 three foxes emigrated because of lack of food October 1981 three foxes died because of lack of food October 1982 two foxes died because of hunters
List 3 factors that caused a increase in the fox population October 1979 two foxes immigrated because abundance of food October 1980 two foxes were born April eight foxes immigrated because abundance of food
How did the presence of pheasants and mice affect the fox population? October 1979: foxes immigrated because there was more pheasants to eat October 1981: hunter killed the pheasants so foxes died April 1982: foxes immigrated because of increase in mice and pheasant populations
What will happen to the rabbits if there is a decrease in mouse or pheasant population? The rabbit population will go down like is did in October 1982 when the mice population went down. Foxes will hunt more rabbits to get enough food if other food sources are unavailable.
How do predator and prey populations change? Prey and predator populations balance each other out. For example, if there are too many predators there will be a decrease in prey. And if there are not enough prey, predator populations will decrease.