Pick up a reading packet and reading schedule from the front Today, we complete presentations!!! Tonight’s reading Packet pgs 187-197, Quiz Wednesday
Tonight’s reading Packet pgs 187-197, Quiz Wednesday
Pick up your exam packet from the front Pick up a document packet if you were not here yesterday We will begin in a few minutes
Exams Exam curve = 3 pts (Your score/87) – you can recalculate your % on the exam When you finish looking at them return the exam packet and scan sheet to the front Find your document analysis packet from yesterday
Document analysis Documents 1-8 are primary sources from Han China and Ancient Rome Documents 1-4 concern attitudes toward technology in Han China Documents 5-8 concern attitudes toward technology in Rome
You have 12 minutes – do this on your own Review documents 1-8 You have 12 minutes – do this on your own
Document Analysis Select 2 documents – one from Han China and one from Ancient Rome Write at least one paragraph for each and discuss the following: Overall subject addressed The author/speaker’s point of view Things to consider Author’s position within the society Subject discussed Author’s view of the subject Key words that reveal author’s attitude or opinion Prior knowledge that helps you understand the documents and historical context
Things to avoid “In document 3 it says……” Summarizing the document Ignoring the attribution (info at the top of the document) Excessive quotation of the document
Things to remember Label the document you use above your writing (Doc. 3, Doc. 6, etc.) Quality topic sentence for your paragraphs Author’s position and point of view Underlying meaning of the document – social, political, economic, cultural Historical context – How does history and time period help you analyze the document?
Hang on to these when you finish We will share and discuss our analysis when finished You have 15 minutes
Document Analysis – 15 minutes (16 pts) Select 2 documents – one from Han China and one from Ancient Rome Write at least one paragraph for each and discuss the following: Overall subject addressed The author/speaker’s point of view Things to consider Author’s position within the society Subject discussed Author’s view of the subject Key words that reveal author’s attitude or opinion Prior knowledge that helps you understand the documents and historical context